Shipping policy

What are the delivery charges?

For Products listed on, a Rs 50 charge for delivery per item may be applied if order value below Rs.500. While, orders of Rs 500 or above are delivered free.

What is the estimated delivery time?

10-15 working days.

Why is the COD option not offered in my location?

Availability of COD depends on the ability of our courier partner servicing your location to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery.

Our courier partners have limits on the cash amount payable on delivery depending on the destination and your order value might have exceeded this limit.

What do the different tags like “In Stock”, “ Out of Stock” mean?

‘In Stock’

Item is available for sale

‘Out of Stock’

Currently, the item is not available for sale.

Does deliver internationally?

As of now, we do not deliver items internationally.

You will be able to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world with credit/debit cards issued in India and other countries, but please ensure the delivery address is in India.

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